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Finding the test

Using the command diff <file-1> <file-2> a line-by-line comparison produces the following output.


Each block of output contains the following:

  • <n1>c<n2> : line number of file-1 and file-2 that are compared
  • < [link] : line from file-1 (Instructor’s code’s results)
  • > [link] : line from file-2 (Our group’s code’s results)

Test File 194


This test file does not have a link defined in the correct syntax, and so, markdownParse must not output any links.

This means our output must look like this: []


This is the case with our group’s code and not the instructor’s. The instructor’s program does not account for the syntax demanding a closed square bracket immediately preceeding the opening parenthesis. This caused url to be incorrectly identified as a link, which the instructor’s program outputs.

Test File 506


This test file has the link defined in the correct syntax, and so, markdownParse must output the contents within the parentheses.

This means our output must look like this: [/url "title"]


And this is the case with our group’s code. It however isn’t with the instructor’s.


As one of our groupmates pointed out, Github allows spaces in a link, which is why the instructor’s code would not be the correct output in this case. It must treat the space character as a valid character that is a part of the link, and not replace it with a question mark as observed above.

Goodbye :’)
